Thursday, October 27, 2011

MamaBlogger365 - Don't Let Me Be the Decider by *Dr Mama* Amber Kinser

Look. I’m a pretty good decision maker. I make decisions slowly and mindfully; I try to gather as much information as I can and I consider it carefully before settling on a course of action. I am mocked at times by my family for never being able to pony up a decision except after a time. “We thought maybe we would all do X together. It’s not till next month but I know you have to THINK about everything,” my sister will say.

I like to spend hours looking at cookbooks and planning. In the early spring I like to look through gardening books and research which flowers are best for xeriscaping, or which grow in clay, and which of those come up when and which combinations will offer both various heights and various blooming periods. When I’m taking a trip I spend a lot of time looking through options on the Internet — flights, hotels, the proximity of my lodging to restaurants and whether or not the place has — hope against hope — a regular stinking coffee maker or one of those blasted single-cup numbers (and I’m not talking Keurig either). And lots of times I emerge with outcomes I’m happy with. But sometimes, well.

Click here to read more!

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