Friday, May 20, 2011

MamaBlogger365 - Not Even Credit Card Theft Can Stop PrincessFest 2011 by Loren Christie

Who says being a mom doesn't mean you don't get to live a dramatic life of intrigue and adventure?

Yesterday while I was eating my Nacho Grande from Taco Bell and finishing the police blotters for the local weekly newspaper, my debit card had somehow cloned itself and was in the hands of a bad, unknown shopper in Manhattan who was having a blast at my expense. Fast forward to that evening, when I was standing in the pasta aisle at the grocery store buying dinner and answering a cell phone call at the same time, oblivious to the fact that my account was now frozen by the bank, whose security agency tracked the unusual activity and blocked me after not being able to reach me at home to verify the purchases. It was my husband calling to tell me I'd been monetarily violated.

Obviously I was upset; who wouldn't be? I found myself mentally rewinding all the purchases I've made this month, wondering if there was a camera over the gas pump, or if someone behind me on a line had watched me swipe my card and memorized the numbers. I'll never know how my debit card number was compromised, which is what's so unsettling about an experience like this. Besides being upset, I had a million things to do in preparation for the next day, which was scheduled to be "The Best Princess Birthday Tea Party Ever." Read more...

MamaBlogger365 needs you! Tell us how you're re-framing motherhood and help the Museum of Motherhood secure a permanent home in 2011!

Photo credit: mzacha

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