Wednesday, November 9, 2011

MamaBlogger365 - Tunes as a Tool by Kelli Stapleton

I don’t think I’m wrong when I say that music is the most powerful force on the planet. Well, maybe there are other forces that are stronger, but let me just make the point: there is power in music. Music can incite _________ (insert almost any verb here).

Of course we all know this! Who hasn’t been in a foul mood and have it change instantly when we hear our favorite song? Conversely, who hasn’t had a broken heart and listen to sad music so we wouldn’t feel so alone? And by the way, have you seen what music does to teenagers?!

I’m not EVEN going to go into the children’s music genre. Gosh, I could write a whole post on how much my kids and I will love a song the first babillion times we hear it and then how I’m OVER it and wanna take an ice pick to the base of my skull the next babillion times. Ah, the joys of parenthood ….

In keeping with the theme of MamaBlogger 365 and reframing motherhood; I wanted to share an important tool with you: Music

The walk-out song

In American baseball when a player is introduced, he takes the field while music blares over the loud speakers. Each player picks his own song, and the clip within the song. This is called his ‘walk-out song’. This song will (hopefully) generate feeling of empowerment, fun, and success for the player and fans.

Do you get where I’m going with this?

Yes, find your own walk-out song!

Part with that $.99 and download something that will make you feel invincible. Play it before you head to a meeting, dissertation, or playgroup. Or just play it when you’ve had an all-nighter with a sick baby.

Then take it a step further and make a ‘walk-out song’ list. And while you’re at it, make a list of songs that make you laugh. Make a list of songs that make you feel strong. Make a list of songs that make you feel beautiful. And then make a point of using those songs as a tool for when you need them.

Music can change a mood.

Music can change a moment.

Add this tool to your tool belt sisters and hopefully it will make this motherhood journey a little easier.

Kelli Stapleton
Producer/Host of the talk show: Birth Stories on Demand
Mother, wife, heavy Diet Coke user

Photo credit: gracey|MorgueFile

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